Happy fathers day Dad took a poem to your tree today Evan is growing so fast i taught him how you used to dance and if you say how did Grandad Gullick dance he puts his thumbs up like you used to its sooo funny ! Wish we could have took you for a roast today and spoilt you. It dosnt get easier the longer you have been gone the time between the hurt just gets longer apart but when i remember all the things we used to do and all the love you had for me and how i was your world. I understand that now because Evan is my world and im not looking forward to him growing up and being a teenager and giving me all the attitude i gave you i wish you got through your troubles for a few more years by yourself because i would have helped you Dad i would have been there for you all the time and drove to see you all the time taken you to see Lee Evans and took you to drumming lessons and i would have arranged for you to at least sit in a royals royce love you more than ever dad xxxxx