Missing you at Christmas Ev! The lights are blinking merrily,the tinsel`s on the tree,It sits there in the window for all the world to see. The house is filled with holly, and pinecone scents the air, the Xmas cards keep coming, each one is hung without care. The gifts are tied with ribbons red, and topped with pretty bows...I`m done with all the details, as far as Xmas goes. The fire is softly glowing, I think about you much, but Xmas isnt Xmas, I miss you oh so much. If I could have just anything,my Xmas wish would be, To wake up in the morning, and find you here with me! So hold a place in heaven Ev, someday when life is through, I`ll be the Xmas Angel, who shares this day with you! Miss you so much...Glo xxx